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Sat Sep 21 2024 00:13:45 CEST
Bug season
Hide Search Description
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
75 UPPAAL Engine behrmann CLOS FIXE DBM corruption of the diagonal in extrapolation algorithm 2004-03-15
71 UPPAAL Engine behrmann CLOS FIXE Engine crash because of missing range check 2004-03-15
72 UPPAAL Engine behrmann CLOS FIXE Engine crash when negating deadlock 2005-02-18
67 UPPAAL Engine behrmann RESO FIXE No error when using deadlock in liveness properties 2006-01-19
74 UPPAAL Engine behrmann CLOS FIXE Underflow in DBM closure operation 2004-03-15
68 UPPAAL GUI behrmann RESO FIXE Selecting a location does not select self loops 2005-02-04
73 UPPAAL GUI behrmann CLOS FIXE Slow scrolling in graphical windows 2004-03-15
69 UPPAAL GUI behrmann CLOS FIXE View->Variables... does not remember deselected variables 2004-03-15
8 bugs found.


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