Sun Feb 9 2025 21:19:31 CET
Cut the wild grass and it regrows anew
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62 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
675 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Shows deadlock in simulator but model does not contain deadlock 2019-12-10
658 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Add Support for Retina Resolution for most modern Macs 2019-02-04
624 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Error in GUI with huge double-values 2017-03-15
617 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Simulator displaying discrete variable as continuous 2017-03-15
605 UPPAAL GUI pgj ASSI --- File extension missing 2016-03-16
594 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Syntax highlighting of comments 2015-05-15
592 UPPAAL GUI pgj ASSI --- command+q not quitting 2015-05-15
586 UPPAAL GUI zhaow ASSI --- syntax error location is wrong 2014-10-07
585 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Simulation out of memory 2014-10-08
582 UPPAAL GUI zhaow ASSI --- Error - Verification query 2014-11-15
581 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Error of the query verification 2014-10-09
580 UPPAAL GUI zhaow ASSI --- Change query verification message 2014-10-09
579 UPPAAL GUI zhaow ASSI --- Model view is not removed 2014-10-14
578 UPPAAL GUI zhaow ASSI --- Random simulation is not stopped loading another model 2014-10-14
577 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Execute 'processXMLSystem3' two times 2014-10-14
576 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Error verifying model query 2014-10-14
575 UPPAAL GUI zhaow ASSI --- GUI can not handle -inf value in limits 2014-10-06
568 UPPAAL GUI adavid NEW --- problème UPPAAL 2014-05-04
567 UPPAAL GUI adavid NEW --- In Client Server example, java error is displayed. 2014-04-20
558 UPPAAL GUI adavid NEW --- Uppaal GUI/MacOs X 10.8.4 download file damaged 2013-12-06
547 UPPAAL GUI adavid NEW --- Null pointer exception 2013-02-25
538 UPPAAL GUI adavid NEW --- Internet Connection Problem (Windows-7) 2012-05-01
525 UPPAAL GUI adavid NEW --- Options menu not available 2011-09-13
516 UPPAAL GUI adavid NEW --- Text editor jumps to top on undo 2011-05-04
515 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Unknown Tag Error 2016-08-01
460 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- out of memmory exception when exporting huge MSC in raster format 2009-03-10
447 UPPAAL GUI adavid ASSI --- it should be possible to read help during verification 2008-09-09
446 UPPAAL GUI adavid ASSI --- Undo of location/transition colors 2008-09-09
444 UPPAAL GUI adavid ASSI --- Select over dynamic types 2008-06-11
429 UPPAAL GUI adavid ASSI --- Uppaal spec. file extension and integration with OS shell 2008-06-11
420 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Error on channel identifiers 2019-10-21
410 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- Text color on exported eps templates 2019-10-21
409 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- View->Variables... does not remember deselected variables 2019-10-21
407 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Implement find/replace for locating and replacing variables/clocks etc. 2007-05-13
406 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Make shortcuts for moving states and the edge properties in the editor window 2007-03-24
405 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- make shortcuts for zooming in and out in the simulator and the editor 2007-03-25
404 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Command-C in the Verifier Overview list copies Object.toString() 2007-05-13
403 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Undo has unexpected behaviour 2007-05-15
402 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Unable to open multiple systems 2007-03-14
395 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Cancel in the Save System dialog quits UPPAAL 2007-05-13
390 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- duplicate verification checks 2007-02-09
387 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Exception when opening new model 2007-03-02
385 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- display of local vectors 2006-12-27
379 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- textual editing of templates? 2006-12-15
377 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- crash when much mouse use in graphical editor 2006-12-15
373 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- contextual popup menu item for quick-fixing syntax errors 2006-12-08
366 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Newly inserted templates have no initial state 2008-04-18
365 UPPAAL GUI marius ASSI --- smarter random walk in simulator 2006-11-04
341 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- items missing localization (translation support) 2006-08-03
319 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Cancel leads to: Lost server connection 2006-05-16
318 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Undo/redo only works in the editor pane 2009-02-04
275 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Open source parsers and engine stubs 2006-04-30
247 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Better transition labels in the simulator 2010-06-25
246 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Syntax errors in property specification are not reported 2006-01-02
242 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Unfolding of cyclic traces no longer works 2005-12-29
199 UPPAAL GUI egir ASSI --- Better default exception handling 2006-03-03
193 UPPAAL GUI egir ASSI --- Remote execution of the server 2006-03-03
144 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Expose location and transition id in the system editor. 2005-06-17
113 UPPAAL GUI egir ASSI --- Selection change after using the "Edit Transition" dialog 2006-03-03
110 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- Auto save 2006-12-15
49 UPPAAL GUI behrmann ASSI --- No indication of "No syntax errors" 2005-06-29
25 UPPAAL GUI illum ASSI --- Gannt chart in simulator 2006-08-03
62 bugs found.


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