Bug 139 - Crash when referring to reference parameters from property
Summary: Crash when referring to reference parameters from property
Alias: None
Product: UPPAAL
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Engine (show other bugs)
Version: 3.5.4
Hardware: All All
: P2 major
Assignee: Gerd Behrmann
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-21 21:28 CET by Gerd Behrmann
Modified: 2005-08-21 15:50 CEST (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

Uppaal model (853 bytes, application/octet-stream)
2005-03-21 21:31 CET, Gerd Behrmann
UPPAAL Query file (92 bytes, application/octet-stream)
2005-03-21 21:31 CET, Gerd Behrmann

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Description Gerd Behrmann 2005-03-21 21:28:33 CET
Submitted by Angelo Furfaro:

As you can see in the attached model (clockref.xml + clockref.q), I used a clock
reference as  parameter for the template named P, i.e. P(clock& x). In the
process assignment section I specified 


where c is a global clock. P has only one location with the invariant x<=10 and
one loop transtion which reset the clock x. The query

 A[] c<=10 is satisfied


 A[] p.x<=0 is not satisfied.
Comment 1 Gerd Behrmann 2005-03-21 21:31:01 CET
Created attachment 26 [details]
Uppaal model
Comment 2 Gerd Behrmann 2005-03-21 21:31:36 CET
Created attachment 27 [details]
UPPAAL Query file
Comment 3 Gerd Behrmann 2005-03-21 21:32:19 CET

In fact, the GUI crahes when trying to verify the second property, whereas
verifyta provides the wrong result.
Comment 4 Gerd Behrmann 2005-07-12 15:50:00 CEST
This is not limitted to clocks. Any kind of reference parameters used in a property is not handled correctly.
Comment 5 Gerd Behrmann 2005-08-21 15:50:05 CEST
A fix has been checked into CVS.