The majority Macs in active use, as well as in the market has been equipped with a Retina display. While most beloved tools with Mac versions have adopted this trend soundly, UPPAAL for Mac has not done this yet. Please consider the support for Retina resolution so that basically all Mac users will benefit from it. Thanks!
Dear Jack XU, could you provide more details about your operating system? Java version? e.g. what does "java -version" yield on a command line? As far as I can see the Retina/HiDPI problem is mostly Java issue. I have seen developments targeting the display resolution starting with Java9, so perhaps Java11 from Oracle will work for you out of the box. Alternatively we are preparing to scale the entire GUI explicitly.
Hi Marius, Thank you for taking time to resolve this issue! Since the issue still preserves today with updated OS (macOS Mojave), and I could not find a machine with the configuration back in July last year, I took "java -version" of my Mac today. Below is what I got from Terminal: java version "1.8.0_152" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-b16) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.152-b16, mixed mode) I appreciate the team's efforts to migrate to Retina and high DPI screens. I will update Java on my Mac as soon as Oracle releases it for Mac. The current version offered on is Java 8.
Current JDK8 is at 1.8.202, perhaps that one is better? There is also JDK11 11.0.2 with long term support. They started solving HiDPI issues starting with JDK9. I found some explicit multi-resolution APIs in JDK11, so there is still something if multiple screens are used.