When loading the 2doors demo file, then saving it as an .xta file, and then loading that .xta file, you get an error stating that the initial states could not be found. It works in 3.4.2, which is strange since nothing related to this has changed since then. Reported by Mamoun FILALI-AMINE <filali@irit.fr>.
Turns out to be a problem with Xerces 2.6.0 (the XML parser we use). It works with Xerces 2.5.0. I'm still trying to isolate the problem. As a workarround, you can take the xercesImpl.jar file from Uppaal 3.4.2 and copy it into the lib directory of Uppaal 3.4.3.
UPPAAL 3.4.4 has been shiped with Xerces 2.5.0. We need to see if this problem has been solved in Xerces 2.6.2.
I have changed the XTA parser so that it no longer uses internal Xerces APIs. This should fix this bug, although some testing is required before we can release the new code.
The new code has been checked in.